Ameer Choudrie is a British Actor with over 15 years of professional experience and credits, having trained at GSA – Guildford School of Acting.  He has furthered his training by completing a Masters in Applied Theatre at The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama in 2019 and splits his time alongside acting with teaching and directing, coaching and facilitating for a number of theatre companies and actor training institutes.
Situated within Actor Training Institutions, Youth Theatre and Community Based Organisations. Promoting positive evolution within the Theatre Industry through embodying a practice of widening access and participation to all demographics that are a representation of today’s society, working positively towards outreach and reaching those communities that have been underrepresented for so long.
UEFA qualified Licensed Football Coach.
Supporting the Grassroots Game of Football as a UEFA Licensed Football Coach. As a Community Champion working for the FA, Ameer is part of a workforce to support the growth of affiliated & recreational football for all communities who are currently disproportionately represented across the game.